S7 Summit: Moderators and Panellists

Nicola Allocca

Anticorruption Committee Chair – Business at OECD

Senior executive with proven experience in various international Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) across the EU, UAE, Brazil, and China, specifically in Governance, Finance & Control functions; specialized in Risk Management, Anticorruption, Performance Improvement and Strategic Consulting; expert in transformation programs and change management.
Currently he holds the position of Risk, Business Integrity, Resilience & Quality Director at Autostrade per l’Italia. Additionally, serving as the Chair of the Business at OECD Anticorruption Committee, co-chair of the B20 Brazil “Integrity & Compliance” Task Force and member of the OECD Blue Dot Network Executive Consultation Group.
He holds an International MBA and is Professor of the “Responsible Business Conduct” course within the Economics and Management Master’s program at the University of Rome Torvergata.
Throughout his career, he has demonstrated an exceptional ability to manage cross-cultural teams with diverse backgrounds, thriving in complex and dynamic contexts. His commitment to excellence and passion for fostering positive change underscore his professional journey.

David Bell

Director of Standards Policy, BSI (GBR)

David Bell is Director of Standards Policy at the British Standards Institution (BSI), the UK’s National Standards Body. He heads a team which is responsible for BSI’s input to the international and European standards bodies, ISO, IEC, CEN and CENELEC on technical and policy issues. In addition, David manages BSI’s institutional relations with national and regional standards organizations, as well as relations with British industry, UK government and with key stakeholders, including consumer and public interest groups

Mattias Bergdahl

Deputy Head of Unit Standards Policy, European Commission

Mattias Bergdahl is deputy Head of Unit in DG GROW’s standards policy unit at the European Commission. The unit is responsible for overall coordination of European standards regulation, as well as assuring that relevant standards are developed to support policy priorities with a specific view to the green and digital transition and resilience objectives.
He has previous experiences in international cooperation in the field of telecom and digital, with specific focus on United States of America and the Western Balkans.

Ornella Cilona

Senior policy adviser Italian Trade Union CGIL

Ornella Cilona is a senior policy adviser in the Italian Trade Union CGIL, in charge of Social Sustainability and Standardization Policies at national and international level. She is member of the EU High Level Forum on Standardization and of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) Committee on Standardization.

Frincy Clement

Head of North America and Ambassador for Canada, Women in AI.

Frincy, an award-winning AI leader and passionate advocate for women in technology, currently leads as the Head of North America and Canadian Ambassador for Women in AI (WAI), driving initiatives to inspire, mentor, and elevate women in the field. With over nine years of experience in diverse sectors including Telecom, IT, and Consumer Goods, she also excels as a Principal Data Scientist at ADP. Recognized as one of Canada’s Most Powerful Women and an influential voice in emerging tech, Frincy’s contributions to AI have garnered multiple awards and recognitions. She plays a significant role in AI governance, contributing to standardization strategies with Standards Council Canada as a Steering Committee Member of the AI & Data Governance Collaborative and as an expert member of the World Economic Forum’s AI Governance Alliance.

Daniele Gerundino

Member of UNI Study Center on Standardisation, associated researcher University of Geneva

Daniele Gerundino is Research associate at the Institut de Gouvernance de l’Environnement et Développement Territorial (GEDT), University of Geneva; Professional Affiliate of Scuola Superiore di Sant’Anna (Pisa, Italy); Permanent member of the Standardization Study Center of UNI, and an independent consultant.
Gerundino was responsible until 2021 of the “Standards and Governance” specialization of the Master programmes Standardization, social regulation and sustainable development (STAREG), launched in 2011 in partnership with ISO, and Innovation, Human Development, and Sustainability (IHDS), run in partnership with Tsinghua University of Beijing (China) since 2017.
Gerundino has formerly been Assistant-Secretary General of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 1998-2017. Part of the senior management team of ISO, he has served from 1998 to 2014 as Secretary of the ISO Council Standing Committee on Strategy and, since 2015, to its successor, the Council Strategy and Policy Committee.
Gerundino is doctor in Physics (magna cum laude) from the University of Milano, Italy – with Specialization and thesis in Quantum Field Theory.

Chantal Guay

Chief Executive Officer, SCC (CAN)

Chantal Guay is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Standards Council of Canada (SCC), Canada’s voice on standards and accreditation on the national and international stage. Prior to SCC, Chantal was CEO of Engineers Canada. Under her leadership, the engineering profession adopted the 30 by 30 strategy which is aimed at raising the percentage of newly licensed engineers who are women to 30 per cent by the year 2030. In January 2020, Chantal became the first woman to both lead SCC and represent Canada on the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Council. Chantal holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Geological Engineering from Université Laval, and a Master’s in Environmental Management from Université de Sherbrooke. She has also earned an Advanced Executive Certificate in General Management from the Queen’s University School of Business, as well as the ICD.D designation from the Institute of Corporate Directors after completing the ICD-Rotman Directors Education Program

Ruggero Lensi

Director General UNI (ITA)

Ruggero Lensi holds a degree in Civil Engineering. He joined UNI in 1995, where he took on different roles, starting from CEN/TC Officer in the building sector to Technical Director until 2010 and later as Director of External Relations, New Business, and Innovation. In February 2017 he was appointed Director General, that he has been currently acting as. Since then, he has been working on and putting in place an innovation process in the Organization aimed at the digitalization of processes, a sustainable management of human resources and the enhancement of UNI brand in the Italian society. He has been very active in the international and European standardization too: in the latter arena he used to be CEN Vice-President Technical and Chair of the Technical Board, while he has now been acting as a Member of the CEN Board and as Chairman of the CEN-CENELEC Digital IT Strategic Advisory Group. In the ISO framework, he used to be a Member of the Technical Management Board, of the Commercial Strategy Advisory Group, of the Information Technology Strategic Advisory Group, while he has been now a Member of the ISO Council for a three-year term concluding in 2025.

Louis Morilhat

Digital Policy and Standardization Officer, Digital Economy Department (FRA)

Louis Morilhat is Digital Policy and Standardization officer for the French Ministry of Economics, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty. As such, he is in charge of following standardization of digital technologies (AI, Quantum, Data, 5G/6G, etc.) in line with the corresponding national strategies. Previously, has been working on the French AI standardization strategy at AFNOR.

Jayne Morrow

Senior Advisor, Standards Policy, NIST (USA)

Dr. Jayne Morrow is a Senior Advisor to the Director of National Institute of Standards and Technology and the Interim Standards Executive leading a portfolio focused on standards policy for critical and emerging technologies. She is responsible for efforts to build stronger connections between standards and the innovation ecosystem of the United States, broadening participation in international standards development among academia, industry and government agencies and policy development in international standards. She has extensive standards and policy experience across a wide range of critical and emerging technologies and public policy areas, including national security, environmental health, public health and safety, and law enforcement. Her current role builds on the experience garnered in national science and technology (S&T) strategic policy development she garnered as the Executive Director of the National Science and Technology Council in the Executive Office of the President during the Obama Administration. Previously, she led a research career at NIST focused on metrology for biological science programs and underpinning biological response frameworks with measurement science. The program demonstrated impact across the federal agencies, industry, and academia through standards to enable confident decision-making founded on scientific evidence for response to Anthrax, Ebola, SARS-CoV-2 and applied these same principles to the analytical characterization of the opioid epidemic. Her standards work led to science policy development with the National Biosurveillance and Biological Response and Recovery Science and Technology Roadmaps published during the Obama Administration. Recently, in response to COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Morrow partnered with motivated volunteers to form a non-profit IBEC, and host the CLEAN2020 Summit series, bringing together leaders from business, policy, standards development, science, and engineering to create a framework for controlling viral transmission in the built environment. These efforts to continue to help translate the research, standards and guidance into practice were welcomed by the White House COVID Task Force and Office of Science and Technology Policy as they work to define a campaign for clean indoor air. She also served as a Research Professor in Civil Engineering and the Assistant Vice President for Research and Economic Development at Montana State University where she focused on federal relations to grow research programs in emerging technologies. She has a B.Sc. degree in Civil Engineering from Montana State University as well as a M.S. and Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering with a specialty in molecular and microbiology from the University of Connecticut.

Sergio Mujica

ISO Secretary General

Sergio Mujica joined ISO as Secretary-General in July 2017, having spent 7 years at the World Custom’s Organization (WCO) as Deputy Secretary-General. The WCO aims to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of Custom’s administrations worldwide, and within this role Mr Mujica was responsible for the design and implementation of the WCO’s strategic plan. This included simplification, harmonization and standardization of custom’s procedures in addition to capacity building initiatives aimed at the WCO members. This gave him significant experience in an international setting, building consensus within a large membership-based organization. Prior to working at the World Customs Organization, Mr Mujica spent 15 years working for the Government of Chile with the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and as the Director General of Chile Customs. A Chilean national, he has a law degree from the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile and a Master’s degree in International Law from the American University in Washington DC.

Sarah Mukherjee

MBE is the CEO of IEMA

Sarah Mukherjee, MBE is the CEO of IEMA. Previously Sarah was the BBC’s Environment correspondent, presenting on national and international BBC radio and television, winning awards across the world. After leaving the corporation, she held leadership roles in various sectors including utilities and agriculture. Sarah was a panel member for the National Parks Review and the Glover Review and also sat on the National Food Strategy Advisory Panel. She is co-chair of the Natural England Landscape Advisory Panel as well as Non-executive Director on the Board of the Environment Agency. In 2021 Sarah was awarded an MBE for her services to agriculture and farmer well-being. Since joining IEMA Sarah has been instrumental in implementing a Diverse Sustainability Initiative (DSI) strategy.
In her spare time, Sarah enjoys martial arts, has been a ‘Campaign for Real Ale’ judge, as well as a rugby reporter

Nao Nishikawa

Deputy Secretary-General of JISC Director, International Standardization JISC (JPN)

Ms. Nao Nishikawa has served as the Director, International Standardization Division of M inistry of E conomy, T rade and I ndustry , Japan since July 2023. She also serves as a Deputy Secretary General of the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee. Immediately prior to her current position, Ms. Nishikawa was temporally assigned as the Director for Personnel Affairs in the Cabinet Bureau of Personnel Affairs. In her previous role, she experienced in implementation of climate and environmental policies including green finance and implementing the Paris A greement. Earlier of her career, in addition to internationally economic cooperation such as APEC and the U.S. Japan Economic Dialogue, Ms. Nishikawa was engaged in energy policies for facilition of building energy supply chain and for realizing the best composition of power sources in the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Ryota Ochi

Senior Policy Researcher, Office for overseas business development & international cooperation SME Agency, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (JPN)

Staff of METI (Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry). Currently working for SME Agency, Japan, serving for bureau member of Committee on SMEs and Entrepreneurship(CSMEE) from Japan as well. Also experience of standardization work at Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), as SMB Alternate member from Japan at International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) (year 2008-2011).

Alberta Pelino

President Young Ambassadors Society and Chair Y7 (YAS)

Alberta Pelino is the President of the Young Ambassadors Society (YAS) and Chair of the Y7 Italy. At the age of 19, she founded YAS, with the goal of empowering young people and helping them to be part of the political decision-making process. YAS is the no-profit association that works with political institutions, international organizations and companies, to promote projects that empower youth through education programs and youth representation in international processes, like the G7 and G20 Summits.
After graduating in economics and working for several years in trading in London, she founded the social impact startup Fibi with the goal of helping women to be financially independent and to reduce the financial gender gap.

Olivier Peyrat

Director General, AFNOR (FRA)

Olivier PEYRAT is a former Ecole Polytechnique student, Head Engineer of the Body of Mining Engineers (Ecole des Mines). He was appointed Director General of AFNOR in June 2003. Currently, he is also administrator of CEN at the European level and ISO at the international level. Since January 2022, he is also Vice-President (Policy) of CEN. He has been appointed in January 2013 Vice-President (Finance) of ISO (2013/2014 and 2015/2016). He belongs to the Board of Directors and Treasurer of Groupe des Industries Métallurgiques (GIM – France). He was also appointed in 2016, Member of China Standardization Expert Committee and since July 2021 he is Président of FNEP (Fondation Nationale Entreprise et Performance). Olivier PEYRAT has moreover chaired several standardisation commissions or groups at national, European and international level, ISO Conformity Assessment Committee (2007-2011). Olivier PEYRAT holds the title of Chevalier of the Legion of Honour.

Markus Reigl

Director Technical Regulation & Standardisation, Siemens AG (DEU)

After graduating in Electrical Engineering in the 1980s and serving in the German Army, Reigl held primarily technical and other operating business responsibilities in Siemens. Today he heads a corporate department comprising 24 staff, overlooking and steering all aspects of technical market access conditions, product conformity, product safety and standardization for the globally distributed operations of Siemens. In his profession, Markus volunteers the community in various steering positions such as in BDI, IEC, ECLASS, DIN and DKE. He is known as a strong supporter of utilizing harmonized international standards to mitigate technical barriers to trade, thus facilitating fair and free market access.

Giuseppe Rossi

UNI President

Giuseppe Rossi has been UNI President since February 2021, after playing the same role for six years at Accredia, the Italian Accreditation Body.
He took his degree in chemical engineering at Pisa University in 1971.
He worked in important European chemical industries, holding manager positions: Board Member in associated industries of the Montedison Group, Director General of the Strategical Planning in Basell Polyolefins, President of Moplefan, Novamont and of the Italian branch of Basell Poliolefine.
He used to be President of PlasticsEurope Italy, the Italian Association of plastic materials manufacturers and Member of the Presidential Board of Federchimica, the Italian Association of chemical industries. He also used to be Presidente of Corepla and Board Member of Conai, the Italian National Packaging Association.

Elena Santiago

CEN CENELEC Director General

Mrs Santiago Cid is CEN and CENELEC Director General since 1 January 2010. CEN and CENELEC are two of the three recognized European Standardization Organizations supporting European Policies and Legislation. As Director General, she advices the Boards and implement their decisions. She leads the CEN and CENELEC Management Centre in Brussels (95 staff) and is responsible of the Institutional relations with the European Commission, Council and Parliament, with the EFTA secretariat, with the third European recognised standardization body, ETSI and with the international standards organizations, ISO, IEC and ITU. Moreover, Mrs Santiago Cid is also Vice-President at the Women4Cyber Foundation. CEN and CENELEC, recognized Standardization Organizations under EU Law, are leading providers of European Standards that are driven by business and made through a transparent, balanced and consensus-based process in which all relevant stakeholders, including societal interest groups and SMEs are involved. CEN and CENELEC abide by the WTO TBT principles and beyond. They adapt proactively to new technology and social developments and support European competitiveness, the protection of the environment and sustainable growth for the well-being of citizens and the strengthening of the Single Market. CEN and CENELEC actively support international standardization and cooperate closely with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) in order to foster and promote European competitiveness in the global market. Mrs Santiago Cid graduated in Electronic Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and has 30 years’ experience in standardization.

Michael Stephan

Member of the Management Board, DIN (DEU)

Dr Michael Stephan studied production engineering at the Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin), receiving his doctorate in 1995 in industrial information technology from the Institute of Machine Tools and Factory Management. After graduation, Stephan began his career at Daimler AG, where he headed several projects introducing CAD and Product Data Management (PDM) technologies in product development. In 2001 he joined Bombardier Transportation, leading several corporation‐wide projects for redesigning and optimizing technical processes and systems for engineering and production. From 2009 Dr Stephan held top positions managing rail vehicle projects in Germany and Switzerland. Since June 2016 Dr Michael Stephan has been a member of DIN’s Management Board, heading the Innovation and Digital Technologies Division. He has led DIN’s Standardization Division since 2018.

Joe Tretler Jr.

Vice President, International Policy – ANSI (USA)

Joseph Tretler Jr. is the American National Standards Institute’s Senior Vice President for International Policy. Mr. Tretler assumed this role in 2014, where he is responsible for leading ANSI’s policy coordination and other activities related to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). In addition he manages ANSI’s relationships with regional standardization organizations, national member bodies and other relevant groups around the world. He is responsible for engaging with ANSI members from industry, associations, academia and other private sector groups on global policy issues. In support of ANSI’s public-private sector partnership, he works directly with U.S. government agencies, such as the Department of Commerce (DoC)’s International Trade Administration (ITA) and National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), among others. He also oversees ANSI’s international development and capacity building programs, working in partnership with organizations such as the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Mr. Tretler joined ANSI in 1985 as a program administrator for the Institute’s standards technology department. He became ANSI’s program director, international, in 1989 and was promoted to information technology business director in 1996, overseeing implementation of processes and systems related to an organization-wide business process redesign. Beginning in 1998, Mr. Tretler served as ANSI’s senior director, international technical programs and services, managing ANSI’s coordination efforts related to U.S. participation in the ISO standardization activities, overseeing ANSI’s ISO outreach and enhanced services program, and leading ANSI’s ISO Team (ISOT), among other responsibilities. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Stony Brook University.