UNITRAIN in house
We build the course for you, together with you

In-house course step by step

What about a tailor-made training course for your company?

UNITRAIN – the UNI Training Centre – offers the opportunity to build ad hoc courses designed to meet specific training needs identified within your company.

If you do not know where to start, take a cue from the courses in our catalogue or contact us to describe your specific needs: the UNITRAIN team will work to build the best offer for you!

Contact us for more information: unitrain@uni.com 

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Analysis of training needs and definition of objectives

As a first step in the UNITRAIN in-house course, we will analyse the context and training needs of your company: in this way, it is possible to define the areas of intervention, identifying the learning objectives and target participants of the training course.

Of vital importance is the active involvement, from the very first contact with your company, of UNITRAIN Trainers and the UNI Technical Project Manager (TPM): with their support, we will be able to identify the reference standards and practices applicable to your business requirements and suggest their integration into the training programme.



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Project Design

In this phase we will define with you the training content, the best teaching methodology, the timing and the project team according to the objectives to be achieved, the target group involved and the skills needed.

For the use of the courses, you can choose the most effective formula for your company’s needs:

  • smart learning
  • classroom training
  • e-learning pills
  • a combination of the 3 modes

In this phase we will also define the whole project structure, which may include assessment tools, tools for analysing incoming and outgoing competences, classroom exercises, final reporting, etc.

Finally, we will make a selection of applicable standards and reference practices (identified/suggested in the previous phase) to be included in the training programme and delivered to UNITRAIN in-house course participants.


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Organisation and delivery

The UNITRAIN in-house staff will take care of all organisational aspects necessary for the course to take place:

  • Coordination of the team of trainers and experts involved
  • Activation of the delivery platform or preparation of classrooms
  • Provision of teaching materials and standards/practices for the UNITRAIN in-house course
  • Tutoring and constant support throughout delivery
  • Possible application for and granting of training credits, agreed in advance
  • Issuing of certificates of participation in digital format
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The last – but not least – phase of the process concerns the conclusion of the training programme, where the feedback in terms of acquired competences is analysed and any further areas to be explored are identified.

At this stage it is therefore essential to collect your feedback with a view to continuous service improvement.


Project team

The protagonists involved


In continuous coordination with the project manager, they are responsible for defining the content and teaching methodology. Our network of selected trainers is mainly composed of the same experts who developed the standards.

Project Manager

A dedicated point of contact, he/she assists your company from the analysis phase and throughout the duration of the project. He/she will be in continuous alignment with expert assistants and the technical project manager to ensure the quality of the training delivered by the UNITRAIN in-house course


Contact person for commercial and development aspects during the definition of the tailor-made route for the customer

UNITRAIN Assistant

Supporting trainers and participants during the delivery phase. Ensures the smooth running of the UNITRAIN in-house course and intervenes if necessary

Technical Project Manager

Experienced UNI standardisation expert, supporting the analysis of your company's needs and the development of project design

Some of our projects

Gender Equality

UNI/Pdr 125:2022

  • Objectives: to provide knowledge on the Gender Equality Management System (GEMS), on the interpretation and correct application of the reference standards and on the documentation of the GEMS; to deepen the basic elements on the main laws, on the certification process of the GEMS, on the methods of integration with other Management Systems, on the tools and methodologies facilitating the implementation of the practice
  • Themes: procedures, methodologies and tools that can be used in companies to make the UNI Pdr 125 practice a reality
  • Target: HR, People & Culture, Communication resources of companies operating in different sectors
  • Project structure: needs analysis call; face-to-face training sessions; initial assessment questionnaire; Excel exercises to calculate benchmark indicators

Circular economy

UNI/TS 11820:2022

  • Objectives: to deepen the contents of the standard, how it works and to understand through practical cases its applications in the business environment, in order to support client companies that want to start a certification process
  • Topics: key concepts of circular economy, measurement methodology for assessing circularity, circularity indicators and calculation algorithm
  • Target: consulting firm, leader in tax audit services; consultants with a strong background in sustainability and circular economy issues
  • Project structure: needs analysis call; synchronous training sessions; initial assessment questionnaire; practical exercises in subgroups under the supervision of the trainer(s); post-course support from the Technical Project Manager for specific insights

Management Systems

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

  • Objectives: to strengthen the adoption of process logic; to acquire new skills on reading, defining, optimising processes; to acquire new skills on the drafting of procedures, in terms of the correct representation of processes, identification of salient elements, identification of the correct level of detail, representation by means of flow diagrams, readability and internal communication; to foster the adoption of a common language and a correct mindset, to the benefit of collaboration within the group
  • Topics: why apply the system view; why use the process approach; what is a process; how to draw a flow chart; how to effectively write the text of a procedure
  • Target: service company operating in the management of corporate training funding; resources working in the area of quality and compliance
  • Project structure: needs analysis call; synchronous training sessions; initial assessment questionnaire; flow chart workshop; post-course report and final return in a follow up call

Light and Lighting

UNI EN 12464-1:2021  – UNI 11248:2016  – UNI/TS 11726:2018  – UNI EN 15193-1:2021  –UNI/PdR 77:2020

    • Objectives: overview of standards for street lighting, procedures in the national guidelines for energy performance certification of buildings, UNI EN 12464-1:2021
    • Topics: principles of lighting technology, street lighting and lighting and energy performance of buildings
    • Target: multinational company operating in the field of energy management services; more than 150 people trained between technical figures and function managers
    • Project structure: needs analysis call; synchronous training sessions with final learning test and results analysis

Do you have any questions? Contact us now!

Phone: 02 70024228/436

Email: unitrain@uni.com


What do our customers think of UNITRAIN?

“The explanation and treatment of the topics was clear and above all usable for someone like me who was completely unfamiliar with them”

“The course gave ample space for practical application”

“I appreciated the professionalism of the trainer”

“The course trainer managed to cover the topics with all the technical mastery in a simple manner”

“I really appreciated the attention paid to the pre-course planning (questionnaire and pre-course meeting) and post-course feedback collection phases.”

“UNITRAIN offers exclusive courses”


Frequent questions

All the FAQs

Is it possible to receive the STANDARD magazine?

The STANDARD magazine can be freely browsed online from the Flipsnack platform. The download is reserved for UNI members only.

How can I unsubscribe from the newsletter?

It is always possible to unsubscribe to UNInotizie by clicking on the link available at the bottom of each issue of the newsletter.

Who is UNI?

UNI – Ente Italiano di Normazione is a non-profit association, whose members, more than 4,000, are enterprises, freelancers, associations, scientific and educational institutes, public administrations. For more than 100 years it has been carrying out technical standardisation activities in all industrial, commercial and tertiary sectors with the exception of the electrical and electrotechnical one. Standards are documents that define the characteristics (performance, environmental, safety, organisation, etc.) of a product, process, service or profession, according to the ‘state of the art’. UNI participates, representing Italy, in the international ISO and European CEN standardisation activities.

Does UNI deal with certifications?

UNI develops technical standards in compliance with which specific accredited bodies issue regular certification. UNI does not therefore deal with certification activities. For information on certifications and certification bodies, consult the Accredia website.

Where can I find the standards?

The catalogue of standards can be reached at this address: https://store.uni.com/ 

What are public Inquiries?

Public Inquiries are stages in the development process of a UNI standard. The preliminary public Inquiry is initiated in the initial phase, that of the feasibility study, to verify the real interest of the market for the subject that is to be subjected to standardisation. The final public Inquiry, on the other hand, is the phase that precedes the publication of the standard. The document, approved by the competent technical committee, is put online – freely downloadable – so that all interested parties can express their opinion, especially those who did not participate in the preliminary public Inquiry and drafting.

What is a Reference Practice?

Reference practices are UNI documents that introduce technical prescriptions or sectoral application models of technical standards, when there are no national, European or international standards or draft standards.

They may be good practices already in use in citizen/consumer services, sectorial applications of existing specifications, industry specifications, protocols for the management of proprietary trademarks, locally tested management models, nationally adopted CWAs. They are elaborated on the basis of a rapid sharing process among the authors only, no longer than nine months, in special Tables and under the operational guidance of UNI.

How long do Reference Practices remain valid?

Two years after publication, it is considered whether to evolve the reference practice into a normative document. After five years they are either transformed into a UNI standard, UNI/TS, UNI/TR or are withdrawn.

What is the UNI Mark?

The voluntary UNI Mark certifies that the certified requirements of products, services, systems or professions are established by UNI through standards or reference practices. UNI entrusts the management of the granting of the UNI Mark to certification bodies accredited by Accredia.

What is the Keymark?

The Keymark is the European conformity mark owned by CEN/CENELEC. It is a voluntary mark managed by third-party bodies, which ensures compliance with the requirements set out in European standards.

Who should I contact for UNI patronage?

For patronage requests you can send an email to the Public Relations Manager: alberto.monteverdi@uni.com

Where can I find recordings of webinars organised by UNI?

Recordings of UNI webinars are available on our YouTube channel Youtube Channel

How can I receive your press releases?

If you are a journalist, a communication professional – or are otherwise interested in receiving our press releases – please send a request (complete with your name/surname/organisation) to: media@uni.com

What is UNInotizie?

The weekly newsletter UNInotizie is sent to UNI members and reports all the main news related to standardisation activities at national, European and international level. For further information: media@uni.com

Contact us for more information


Via Sannio, 2 – 20137 Milano
Phone: 02 70024379 oppure 02 70024228, fax 02 70024411
Email: unitrain@uni.com