Training activities policy

  1. UNI’s training activity is closely related to its mission of dissemination of standardisation culture and to its vision, which is to create an open system of knowledge transfer and dissemination of values.
  2. UNI puts the learner, as a person who wants to acquire awareness, knowledge and improve his/her skills, at the centre of attention of its training activity.
  3. UNI training proposal is strongly oriented to the in-depth study of the normative contents of UNI standards catalogue (including EN, ISO, PdR, etc.).
  4. UNI Tutors are chosen for their know-how, constantly updated also through their participation in standardisation activities, and for their ability to transfer such know-how to learners.

As a consequence of this Manifest, UNI commits itself to:

  1. Always keep participation fees for UNI courses low, in particular for its members, and confirm training sessions even with a limited number of participants, in order to guarantee the service to interested parties and limit the number of cancelled courses.
  2. Always provide each learner with an official copy of the standard(s) covered by the course, included in the course fee. As the Italian National Standards Body, UNI is the only entity that can guarantee in this way the maximum dissemination of standards to learners (other entities on the market can only do this by entering into an agreement with UNI to this effect).
  3. Maintain an evaluation and qualification system for its courses and Tutors based above all on the results of learner satisfaction questionnaires.
  4. To choose the training topics within the standards catalogue, which counts about 22,000 standards; to accept requests from the market for training needs on specific standards; to organise preview courses on standards about to be published, having the elements to do so before they are published.
  5. Selecting its Tutors mainly within the network of thousands of experts who participate in standardisation activities and who therefore draft, discuss, and analyse standards before their publication, in order to ensure that Tutors are the best knowledgeable of the normative contents, of the reasons why these contents are present in a given form, and of the correct interpretation of each normative requirement.
  6. Select their Tutors, in the case of courses on standards that can be used for conformity assessment (e.g. certifiable standards), primarily from among the accreditation body’s inspectors, in order to be able to explain to learners the expectations of the correct way to apply the standards.
  7. Encourage the participation of learners from different categories of stakeholders (as happens in standardisation activities), in order to allow each training session to also become a valuable opportunity for discussion and networking.
  8. Modulate the payment conditions of the courses also on the basis of the PA’s needs, in order to favour the maximum dissemination of the standardisation culture among the Public Administration.
  9. Organise in-house courses, for client organisations that may be interested in a course more closely tailored to their needs, while respecting the roles and impartiality of the Tutors (the course is always oriented to presenting the standards and their correct application and not to providing direct advice to organisations).
  10. Extend partnership agreements with institutional realities rooted in the territory, in order to be able to replicate their courses throughout the country, at the request of interested parties; access, where possible, the main forms of recognition of courses that allow e.g. funding, training credits, etc.

Contact us for more information


Via Sannio, 2 – 20137 Milano
Phone: 02 70024379 oppure 02 70024228, fax 02 70024411