Reference Practices under development
Discover all the Reference Practice projects UNI is working on!
After approval of the Reference Practice proposals submitted by companies and organisations, a long process begins for UNI to define the document’s structure and basis.
Once this phase is completed, the draft Reference Practice goes into public consultation.
In the list below, you can see all ongoing projects and their proposing bodies.
Qualification of service provided by training centres for railway traffic safety activities | Fermerci | 24/02/2025 | |
Qualification of professional figures operating in railway traffic safety activities | Fermerci | 24/02/2025 | |
Forestry propagation material | Regione Piemonte | 29/01/2025 | |
Fertiliser matrices from sewage sludge – Guidelines for production, agronomic use and quality requirements | DICEA – Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | 09/10/2024 | |
Conformity assessment of PVC pipes and fittings | PVC Forum Italia | 09/10/2024 | |
Gender Impact Assessment (GIA) of investment projects and legislative measures by Public Administration | ASLA | 01/10/2024 | |
Professional practices of labour consultants – Organisational principles and risk management related to the exercise of the profession for the creation and protection of value | ANCL | 29/07/24 | |
Guidelines for the maintenance and extraction of environmental low-impact materials in confined and explosion-risk spaces – No-man entry robotic technologies | 18/07/2024 | ||
Equipment and services in the domestic environment – Guidelines for the definition of accessibility, usability and safety requirements according to the ‘design for all’ approach of UNI EN 17161 | 07/05/2024 | ||
IP Manager | Bugnion | 09/05/23 | |
Guidelines for the attestation of conformity of sustainability reporting | Accredia Diligentia ETS | 31/03/2023 | |
Guidelines for adequate and systematic reporting for investments related to the National Industry 4.0 Plan | Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico | 17/03/23 | |
Requirements for indoor environment sanitation systems | Accredia | 17/01/23 |