Infrastructure for Quality Italy

UNI is an integral part, as far as standardisation is concerned, of IQ, Infrastructure for Quality Italy

Infrastructure for Quality Italy

Infrastructure for Quality Italy was created with the aim of improving the quality of ‘made in Italy’ products, services and processes

It represents a valuable support element for our companies, both in Italy and abroad, involving several aspects:

  • Metrology, which deals with measurement and its applications;
  • Standardisation, which studies, publishes and disseminates technical documents of voluntary application that photograph the ‘state of the art’;
  • Accreditation, which ensures the independence and impartiality of conformity assessment Bodies.
  • Conformity Assessment, which has the task of demonstrating that specified requirements relating to a product, process, system or person are met;
The UNI Mark

The Uni conformity mark.
A guarantee with
a capital U.

The UNI Mark represents a further guarantee attesting the quality of a product, service, process or profession already certified according to a UNI standard.

The management of the UNI Mark is entrusted to certification bodies accredited by Accredia. The use of the UNI Mark is governed by a special Regulation.

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The UNI Mark is everywhere there is quality

Some examples of UNI Mark application.


Sanitary appliances, protective devices, ceramic tiles, piping systems, road vehicles and more...


Condominium administrators, energy management experts, tax lawyers, family mediators, security professionals and more...

Management systems

BIM management systems and gender equality management systems.


Ethics and sustainability and self-declared environmental claims


The European CEN/CENELEC mark of conformity.

The KEYMARK is a voluntary mark managed by third parties, which ensures compliance with the requirements set out in European standards.

It aims to become the symbol of European quality products: it increases trust in the brands of the various European countries and the sharing of a uniform level of quality of national certification schemes.

All certification bodies operating in one of the member countries of the CEN/CENELEC system and managing an accredited product certification scheme – in compliance with a European standard – can request the management of the Keymark from DINCertco, which operates under a mandate from the CEN/CENELEC CENELEC.

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