With more than 32 millions employees and 16% of EU GDP, industry is the main driver of innovation and growth in our continent.
Every year, machinery obsolescence causes losses in value and productivity to the detriment of companies and workers. RECLAIM aims to solve this problem with innovative circular solutions through the remanufacturing of large industrial machinery


Closed project

Program: Horizon 2020 GA n. 869884

Theme: #CircularEconomy, #Industry 4.0, #Remanufactoring

Visit the project website


October 2019


September 2023

Promote new technologies to reuse large machinery, recombine obsolete components and implement predictive maintenance in a circular economy logic.

Reduce the ageing of machinery by improving its productivity.

Define a decision making method for the reuse and remanufacturing of robotic and electromechanical systems to be validated in 5 European industrial pilot cases