
Our first standard was born 100 years ago. We want to write the next one with you. Join a world well made.


Joining UNI offers many advantages.
The most important is writing with us the standards of your sector

Sit down at the table with UNI. Together we can change the world of today and tomorrow.

Become an integral part of a large participatory hub. Collaborate with thousands of experts in every sector, with the UNI Technical Bodies and with our partners, the Federated Bodies. Thus, a new wealth of knowledge is born and updated as a result of confrontation, experience and expertise.


Why become a UNI member

A Uni member has privileged access to the world of standardisation and can always experience it as a protagonist.

Find out more

In order to know

As a member you have privileged access to the site's confidential content, the STANDARD magazine and the weekly UNInotizie newsletter.

In order to participate

As a member, you can sit at the table where standards are created or attend the work of the technical bodies as an observer.

In order to deepen

As a member you have access to the UNITERM terminological database and can consult the full texts of draft European standards for free.


We are transparent from beginning to end

The standardisation process is fully democratic and transparent at every stage because it undergoes a double collective verification preliminary and final, to be 100% sure that things are “well made”.

Preliminary Public Inquiry

The preliminary public Inquiry informs the public that UNI intends to start work on a new standard.

The Inquiry serves to:
• assess market needs
• understand whether the standard is really needed
• identify all stakeholders representing the interests at issue


Final Public Inquiry

The final public Inquiry serves to collect comments from practitioners, especially those who were not able to participate in the first drafting phase.

The aim is to obtain the widest possible consensus before the draft becomes standard. Because transparency and democraticity are the first building blocks of a well made world.


PrEN projects under Public Inquiry

The European standards developed by CEN, the European standardisation Body, are also subject to a continent-wide public Inquiry.

All participating national standardisation Bodies are involved. For Italy, it is UNI that collects the comments, drafts the Italian position and communicates it to CEN.

Public consultation

Discussing practices together?
It is our practice

The draft Reference Practices are shared through a public consultation to gather comments from the market, which will be discussed by the experts before moving on to the final version.

You can download the text of the draft you are interested in and submit any comments to UNI by filling in the appropriate form and sending it by the deadline for the end of the consultation to:


Explore our network

More than 4,000 members, the most reliable associations for professionals and businesses.

What are the advantages of association?

They are numerous, both practical and economic. You can sit at the table where standards are born or assist as an observer in the work of the Technical Bodies, becoming a protagonist in the standardisation process; you have access to the experimental UNITERM service and can consult free previews of the full texts of European standardisation projects; you can receive the weekly UNInotizie newsletter and thus be constantly updated on the news from the world of standardisation; and you can download and browse through our STANDARD magazine on your computer. Find out more in the PARTICIPATE section of the site.

What are the different types of association?

There are different types of association, adapted to each specific need. To find out which membership formula is most suitable for you or your organisation, please consult this page:



When does the association expire?

The association covers the calendar year January-December and is tacitly renewed from year to year unless terminated by e-mail pec or registered postal service RR, within three months of the end of the year.

What is the ATECO code?

The ATECO code (acronym for ATtività ECOnomiche) is a class of activity assigned by ISTAT and is necessary for opening a new VAT number and identifying the risk macro-category of economic activity.

I cannot find the most suitable membership formula for my organisation.

We can guide you! Just answer a couple of questions, confidentially and without obligation. Click here.