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In Italy, about 1,100 Technical Bodies, including commissions, sub-commissions and working groups, made up of more than 6,000 Italian experts in UNI and worldwide, who represent those who will use and benefit from the standards, from producers to consumers, from traders to the Public Administration, make the standards. Then there are 7 Federated Bodies, independent organisations entrusted with standardisation activities in specific sectors, such as energy, chemistry, automotive, IT, plastics and steel.
The Central Technical Commission provides guidelines, coordinates and supervises standardisation work. Standardisation work – coordinated by the Central Technical Commission – is developed by the Technical Commissions and the Bodies federated to UNI.
Federated Bodies are organisations, independent partners but integrated in the standardisation system, to which UNI delegates standardisation activities in specific fields of competence. Currently there are 7 of them: CIG (Italian Gas Committee); CTI (Italian Thermotechnical Committee); CUNA (Technical Commission for the Unification of Motor Vehicles); UNICHIM (Association for the Unification in the Chemical Industry); UNINFO (Information Technologies and their Applications); UNIPLAST (Italian Unification Body for Plastics); UNSIDER (Italian Unification Body for Steel).
It is possible if you are a UNI member. For information on membership formulas, please consult the PARTICIPATE section of the site.
In the international organisations CEN (Comité Européen de Normalisation) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization) UNI participates in the work of the technical bodies, with a leading role in those that elaborate standards for strategic sectors for Made in Italy.
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