They are numerous, both practical and economic. You can sit at the table where standards are born or assist as an observer in the work of the Technical Bodies, becoming a protagonist in the standardisation process; you have access to the experimental UNITERM service and can consult free previews of the full texts of European standardisation projects; you can receive the weekly UNInotizie newsletter and thus be constantly updated on the news from the world of standardisation; and you can download and browse through our STANDARD magazine on your computer. Find out more in the PARTICIPATE section of the site.
There are different types of association, adapted to each specific need. To find out which membership formula is most suitable for you or your organisation, please consult this page:
The association covers the calendar year January-December and is tacitly renewed from year to year unless terminated by e-mail pec or registered postal service RR, within three months of the end of the year.
The ATECO code (acronym for ATtività ECOnomiche) is a class of activity assigned by ISTAT and is necessary for opening a new VAT number and identifying the risk macro-category of economic activity.
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