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UNI – Ente Italiano di Normazione is a non-profit association, whose members, more than 4,000, are enterprises, freelancers, associations, scientific and educational institutes, public administrations. For more than 100 years it has been carrying out technical standardisation activities in all industrial, commercial and tertiary sectors with the exception of the electrical and electrotechnical one. Standards are documents that define the characteristics (performance, environmental, safety, organisation, etc.) of a product, process, service or profession, according to the ‘state of the art’. UNI participates, representing Italy, in the international ISO and European CEN standardisation activities.
UNI develops technical standards in compliance with which specific accredited bodies issue regular certification. UNI does not therefore deal with certification activities. For information on certifications and certification bodies, consult the Accredia website.
The catalogue of standards can be reached at this address: https://store.uni.com/
Public Inquiries are stages in the development process of a UNI standard. The preliminary public Inquiry is initiated in the initial phase, that of the feasibility study, to verify the real interest of the market for the subject that is to be subjected to standardisation. The final public Inquiry, on the other hand, is the phase that precedes the publication of the standard. The document, approved by the competent technical committee, is put online – freely downloadable – so that all interested parties can express their opinion, especially those who did not participate in the preliminary public Inquiry and drafting.
Reference practices are UNI documents that introduce technical prescriptions or sectoral application models of technical standards, when there are no national, European or international standards or draft standards.
They may be good practices already in use in citizen/consumer services, sectorial applications of existing specifications, industry specifications, protocols for the management of proprietary trademarks, locally tested management models, nationally adopted CWAs. They are elaborated on the basis of a rapid sharing process among the authors only, no longer than nine months, in special Tables and under the operational guidance of UNI.
Two years after publication, it is considered whether to evolve the reference practice into a normative document. After five years they are either transformed into a UNI standard, UNI/TS, UNI/TR or are withdrawn.
The voluntary UNI Mark certifies that the certified requirements of products, services, systems or professions are established by UNI through standards or reference practices. UNI entrusts the management of the granting of the UNI Mark to certification bodies accredited by Accredia.
The Keymark is the European conformity mark owned by CEN/CENELEC. It is a voluntary mark managed by third-party bodies, which ensures compliance with the requirements set out in European standards.
For patronage requests you can send an email to the Public Relations Manager: alberto.monteverdi@uni.com
Recordings of UNI webinars are available on our YouTube channel Youtube Channel
If you are a journalist, a communication professional – or are otherwise interested in receiving our press releases – please send a request (complete with your name/surname/organisation) to: media@uni.com
The weekly newsletter UNInotizie is sent to UNI members and reports all the main news related to standardisation activities at national, European and international level. For further information: media@uni.com
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