The UNI – National Council of Industrial Technicians agreement

Why an agreement for the consultation of technical standards

The UNI-CNPI agreement confirmed also for the two-year period 2025-2026 is the response to the request of Industrial Experts to make the consultation of voluntary technical standards (essential tools for the development of professional activities) more accessible and the application of UNI’s institutional mission to ensure their widest dissemination (pursuant to Legislative Decree 223/2017)

How to subscribe

An Industrial Expert registered with a territorial Professional Association that has joined the special Agreement may activate the subscription provided that the use is personal or in the interest of the organisation of which he/she is the owner (which employs no more than 10 employees and has an annual turnover of less than 2 million euros).

Through the following link you will access a registration form where you will be able to:

  • register
  • or retrieve your data using the credentials you already have.

In both cases, it is essential to provide your professional register number and select your territorial Professional Association, whose formal agreement is a prerequisite for enabling member activation.

Once registration is complete, you can access the service afterwards:

  • acceptance of the conditions set out in the ‘General Conditions of Contract for the sale and supply of products’,
  • the advance payment of the full price, quantified in:
    • 50.00 € (+VAT) for the option 12-months free consultation of standards from the date of subscription
    • 90.00 € (+VAT) for the option 24-months free consultation of standards from the date of subscription


It is also possible to download any UNI standard, directly from your consultation subscription, upon payment of a special, flat-rate price of Euro 15.00, plus VAT as per law, per individual standard.

How the consultation works

Once the contract has been signed and the amount due has been paid, the customer can access the full texts of the technical standards via the UNI website.
Access – reserved to the customer and intended for internal use only – is via specific personal, non-transferable logins and passwords. Each combination of login and password allows only one concurrent access to the standards database.
All UNI standards, implementations of EN standards as well as Italian adoptions of ISO standards (both current texts and those of withdrawn and/or replaced editions) are available for consultation. The standards are continuously updated.
Consultation can take place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via Internet connection.
The subscription entitles you to view the full texts of the standards, not to download files or print them out.
The consultation service starts on the date of activation and remains active for 12 months.

The UNI standards in electronic format that can be consulted through the UNIstore subscription services are protected by a Digital Rights Management (DRM) system. To use them, it is necessary to install Adobe Reader, and the FileOpen plugin., freely available.

To consult the Service User Guide click here


What is Standardization? >>

What are the economic benefits of standardization? >>

Is standardization innovation? >>

Who makes the standards? >>

Why join UNI? >>

Watch video #iomiunisco >>

For more information:
Tel. 0270024200