UNI-CONFARTIGIANATO agreement for the consultation of technical standards
The UNI – CONFARTIGIANATO agreement for the year 2025 has been confirmed in order to give a sign of continuity to enterprises and in particular to SMEs and in application of UNI’s institutional mission to ensure the widest dissemination of technical standards, also reaffirmed by EU Regulation 1025/2012.
What the Territorial and Trade Associations must do
To make it possible for its members to benefit from the agreed facilities, they must:
- Disseminate information about the special Agreement,
- collect requests received from its members and verify the existence of the binding conditions (valid and current membership relationship),
- transmit the validated requests to UNI
What facilities have been agreed upon
- 15% discount on the purchase of individual UNI standards (paper or electronic format).
- Annual subscription for online consultation:
– € 200.00 + VAT Complete collection of UNI standards for companies with less than 50 employees.
– € 300.00 + VAT Complete collection of UNI standards for companies with more than 50 employees and a turnover of less than € 500 million. - – € 140 + 22% VAT for consultation of the UNI standards mentioned in the Technical Standards for Construction, with the possibility of purchasing at a special, flat-rate price of € 15.00, plus VAT as required by law, for each individual standard. The list of standards included is available on the purchase page.
Companies wishing to subscribe must send this form., completed in full, to their Territorial Association.
The territorial association, after checking that the binding conditions are met, forwards the validated request to UNI.
UNI directly provides the company concerned with all the information necessary to register and complete the membership to purchase the standards or subscription service on-line directly from the UNI store by credit card by accepting the “General Conditions of Contract for the Service of Sale and Supply of Products”.
How the consultation works
Access – restricted to the customer and intended for internal use only – takes place via specific personal, non-transferable logins and passwords. Each combination of login and password allows only one concurrent access to the standards database.
All UNI standards, implementations of EN standards as well as Italian adoptions of ISO standards (both current texts and those of withdrawn and/or replaced editions) are available for consultation. The standards are continuously updated.
Consultation can take place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via Internet connection.
The subscription entitles you to view the full texts of the standards, not to download files or print them out.
The consultation service starts on the date of activation and remains active for 12 months.
The UNI standards in electronic format that can be consulted through the UNIstore subscription services are protected by a Digital Rights Management (DRM) system. To use them, it is necessary to install Adobe Reader, and the FileOpen plugin., freely available.
To consult the Service User Guide click here .
What are the economic benefits of standardization? >>
Is standardization innovation? >>
For more information:
Email: vendite@uni.com
Tel. 0270024200