Articles | 28 November 2024

UNI, as partner of the European project RobétArmé (Human-robot collaborative construction system for shotcrete digitization and automation through advanced perception, cognition, mobility, and additive manufacturing skills – GA 101058731), is seeking a professional (or group of professionals) experienced in construction site safety. The selected candidate(s) will act as a subcontractor for UNI within the project to carry out activities under Work Package 9, Task 9.1, which involves:
T9.1 Study of safety in the construction environment
This task includes a study of safety measures and possible technological and standardization recommendations for the construction environment. It will define the safety measures to be considered in construction settings, starting with the safety rules established by the owner of the existing structure, which must be applied to the pilot project’s operational teams. Additionally, safety rules specific to maintenance activities must be understood and shared by the operational teams and end-users. Lastly, all these rules must comply with additional safety standards related to the presence of robots near humans (Deliverable D9.1).
The subcontractor’s work will be compensated with a maximum fee of €40,000, disbursed in three installments, each corresponding to the reception and acceptance of the three required outputs, as specified in the contract to be signed with UNI following the work assignment.
The subcontractor’s required outputs are as follows:
- Identify safety risks associated with the construction environment relevant to the project activities and produce a summary report within 3 months of contract activation.
- Develop guidelines for creating a safety plan for the construction environment in the context of the project (activities such as construction, maintenance, and monitoring of infrastructure like tunnels, shafts, retaining walls, poles, and beams) within 5 months of contract activation.
- Provide exemplary guidelines connected to the project activities within 7 months of contract activation.
The subcontractor will work closely with UNI and the project partners, primarily through online meetings. Some in-person meetings, to be held in Europe at an agreed location, may be necessary. The costs of any pre-authorized travel, covered by UNI, will be reimbursed upon submission of a claim with supporting documentation, following the internal regulations and procedures on the matter.
All documents must be prepared in English.
- Proven experience as a professional expert in construction site safety.
- Experience in drafting a safety plan for built environments, including construction, maintenance, and monitoring activities for infrastructures like tunnels, shafts, retaining walls, poles, and beams.
- Demonstrated professional proficiency in English.
- Availability to travel within Europe.
- Experience in EU funded projects
- Knowledge of robotics
- Familiarity with technical standardization
If interested, please send an email to by 20.12.24, with the subject line: RobétArmé: subcontracting_candidature.
Attach the following:
- A CV.
- A quotation specifying its validity for 6 months (including the note: ROBETARME – HEUROPE – GA 101058731 – Subcontracting).
- A brief cover letter describing previous work relevant to the outputs required in this call.
The selection process will involve an evaluation of applications by a committee comprising three UNI members.
- Start Date: June 1, 2022
- End Date: November 30, 2025
RobétArmé is a research and innovation project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe program (GA 101058731). The project aims to develop a cognitive robotic platform that addresses the full application chain of shotcrete for autonomous construction, maintenance, and monitoring of infrastructure (tunnels, shafts, retaining walls, poles, and beams).
The project is coordinated by CERTH and it involved 19 partners, from 12 countries.
Discover more about the project here: