
The information and documents illustrating the organization and management of UNI.

How does UNI work?

Every day we follow the ‘north star’ of our new Statute and apply regulations, reports, codes and guidelines governing aspects of our business to the best of our ability.

Because“to operate without rules is the most laborious and difficult occupation in this world” Alessandro Manzoni.

The Statute and the Implementing Regulations

UNI – Ente Italiano di Normazione – is the Italian National Standards Body notified by the Italian State to the European Commission pursuant to EU Regulation No. 1025/2012, implemented by Legislative Decree No. 223/2017.

  • Regulations of convocation, participation and functioning of the Executive Council (italian) PDF 351 KB
  • Regulations of convocation, participation and functioning of the Board of Directors (italian) PDF 509 KB
  • Regulations of convocation, participation, voting and functioning of the Members' Assembly (italian) PDF 511 KB
  • UNI Statute PDF 354 KB

The association policy

UNI proposes different association formulas: individual, small enterprise, large enterprise, public body, association, trade union, NGO. As recommended by EU Regulation 1025/2012, UNI does its utmost to involve SMEs and all ‘weak’ stakeholders in standardisation.

  • The Association Policy Regulation (italian) PDF 482 KB

Central Technical Commission Regulations

The Central Technical Commission (CCT) is the highest technical commission of the Body and coordinates standardisation work.

  • Regulation of convocation, participation and operation of the Central Technical Commission (italian) PDF 392 KB

Regulations for the Federation Convention of Federated Bodies

The Federated Bodies, on the basis of a Federation Convention with UNI, carry out standardisation activities each for the sector of their competence at national, European and international level.

  • Regulations for the Federation Convention of the Federated Bodies with UNI and the Advisory Committee of the Federated Bodies (italian) PDF 368 KB

Regulations for standardisation and pre-standardisation activities

Regulations for the carrying out of standardisation activities by the UNI system.

  • Regulations for the development activities of reference practices (italian) PDF 384 KB
  • Regulations for the functioning and coordination of the activities of the Technical Commissions (italian) PDF 428 KB
  • Regulations for the elaboration and publication of technical standards (italian) PDF 377 KB

The Sustainability Report

The Report illustrates the economic, environmental and social impacts of our activities towards our stakeholders, using as references the GRI standards and the fundamental themes of UNI EN ISO 26000 on social responsibility that we have adopted as our governance model.


  • Sustainability Report 2022 PDF 10 MB
  • Sustainability Report 2022 (accessible version) PDF 2 MB
  • Sustainability Report 2021 (italian) PDF 2 MB
  • Sustainability Report 2020 (italian) PDF 11 MB

The final budget

The Financial Budget for the year, prepared in accordance with the 4th EC Directive (and the additional Note prepared in accordance with Article 2423 of the Italian Civil Code) relates to both UNI’s institutional and commercial activities.


  • Financial year 2022; Board of Directors' report on UNI's 2022 Standardization Activity and Board of Auditors' report on Final Financial Statement PDF 707 KB
  • Final Budget 2020 (italian)** PDF 795 KB
  • Final Budget 2021 (italian) PDF 1 MB

Organisation, management and control model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 and Supervisory Board

In the spirit of Legislative Decree 231/2001 “Disciplina della responsabilità amministrativa delle persone giuridiche, delle società e delle associazioni anche prive di personalità giuridica” (Regulation on the administrative liability of legal persons, companies and associations, including those without legal personality), UNI ensures fairness and transparency in the conduct of business and activities. For this reason, it has developed and implemented its own Organisational Model 231. The Model is integrated with the rules of the organisation and with the initiatives adopted according to the social responsibility model.

  • Organisational Model 231 - General Part - Annex 1 - Mapping of the Body's activities with respect to predicate offences (updated 8 September 2022) (italian) PDF 1 MB
  • Organisational Model 231 - General Part (italian) PDF 525 KB

Code of conduct for suppliers and Code of conduct for members of UNI Technical Bodies

The Codes of Conduct establish the basic rules of behaviour required from suppliers and members of UNI Technical Bodies, in application of the general principles defined in UNI 231 Organisational Model.

What is indicated in the Codes is integrated by the specific provisions contained in the documents applicable to specific relationships, such as contracts, regulations and procedures.

  • Code of conduct for participants in Technical Bodies (italian) PDF 230 KB
  • Code of Conduct for suppliers (italian) PDF 215 KB

The Ethics Charter

UNI’s People Ethics Charter is our reference system. It identifies organisational principles and values, describes what they mean to us and how they are implemented in UNI. It is our guide to guarantee well made things in our daily operations.

The Ethics Charter is part of UNI’s People Integrity Infrastructure.

  • UNI People's Ethics Charter (italian) PDF 637 KB

The Deontological Charter

The Deontological Charter outlines the rules part of UNI’s Integrity Infrastructure. Its purpose is to prevent behaviour that is deemed unacceptable, also describing some specific types of integrity violations – illustrative and not exhaustive. With these rules, we always know how to act in situations that are covered by the rules of the Deontological Charter: unlike the value part – the Ethical Charter – no dilemmas or doubts can arise as to how to behave when the case is regulated.

  • UNI People's Deontological Charter (italian) PDF 579 KB

Diversity, inclusion, equal opportunities

Following a long-established path of consistency, we have decided – on the subject of diversity, inclusion and equal opportunities – to follow our own guidelines.

The objective is that envisaged by the UNI/PdR 125:2022 practice: to verify the state of the art and close any existing gaps; to confirm (with indicators in hand) that we have incorporated the gender equality paradigm; to produce a sustainable and lasting change over time.

  • Diversity, inclusion, equal opportunities: our policy (ENG) PDF 911 KB

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Our Occupational Health and Safety policy adopts UNI EN ISO 26000 as its governance model.
This means acting in accordance with legal rules, deontological and ethical principles.

  • Occupational Health and Safety Policy (italian) PDF 317 KB